A Personal Testimony by Delicia Sobers
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I was a child who was always brought up in church because I came from a Christian home (but still never really felt connected to God. I often felt as if He wasn't there) but it is only recently that I had my "WAKE UP CALL".


I met a boy recently not knowing that God only allowed him to stay in my life for only a few months just for a reason and surely one very short season.


This boy got stabbed after school but I am not here to remind you of sadness but to show you that change NEEDS to start firstly in our own lives because for that day it was his time to die, another day it might be me,you or someone you know.


I told him to take God very seriously and I had also invited him to church but at first he laughed and said " ME... go Church..lol"...but afterwards I think he started to take me seriously.. or so I hope.



I am telling you all of this to say that today might be your last day on earth... so accept JESUS today (PLEASE DON'T DELAY THIS INVITATION TO ACCEPT JESUS IN YOUR LIFE. I BEG YOU (but the decision is only yours, "hope you make the right and wise one").


I am saying this so many times because I care and so does God .The same way God gave this young man a chance to accept him. I wrote this because u too deserve a chance.


People tend to think that when you first make the decision of following Jesus that you are have to stop everything that you like to do, well it's not quite like that, as you become closer to God you lose interest in things that are not of God.



It doesn't matter what you did in the past or how you live your life now, God can do what seems to be the impossible. Being a Christian doesn't mean being perfect or doing everything right because no one is "perfect".


CHRISTIANS are people..people make mistakes and even mess up really bad at times just like anyone else = {NOT PERFECT} BUT WE HAVE A HOPE WHICH ONLY GOD CAN GIVE A PERSON.


So being a Christian means that you have made the decision to follow CHRIST and when you mess up in life as a result of sin that you know that God forgives and He also forgets for people most often just tend to look at the outward things but God looks at the 'HEART').


God is forgiving and merciful. GOD loves u sooo much that you might never even know exactly how much. I believe that everyone has to experience God for his or her own self in order to make and life by such a critical commitment.


So even if you doubt God's existence, don't worry because i doubted His existence too but He came through for me... He will do the same for you.. but in HIS OWN TIME!!!



And for Christians out there.. I encourage you too ... " TRUST GOD EVEN WHEN YOU CAN'T TRACE HIM"... God sees every tear you will ever cry. He knows your hurt and He sees your pain ,that's why He said "CAST ALL YOUR CARES UPON HIM FOR HE CARES FOR YOU!!".. so don't you ever forget that.


Don't you give up my brother and sister,just keep the faith and pray until you see your prayers answered for God always knows best.


Things happen in life to make you a stronger person. There's always a lesson to be learnt but just make sure you learn the lesson that your suppose to learn so you can later help someone who is going through something similar.


I hope everyone who visits this site and views my testimony will be touched and blessed!!!

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